Where in London should you move for the best state primary schools?

This ranking is based on on the average point score per pupil in the 2013 SATS results for Year 6 children in England. The highest performing London boroughs for state primaries, as measured by pupil achievement in English, Maths and Sciences are:

1. Richmond 30.4
2. Kensington and Chelsea 29.7
3. Greenwich 29.2
4. Wandsworth 29.2
5. Barnet 29.2
6. Lewisham  29.1
7. Camden  29.0 (this includes Hampstead)
8. Westminster 29.0 (this includes St John’s Wood)

While this will give you a good overview for the beginning, you will need to look at individual neighbourhoods and schools. There are plenty of excellent and high performing state primary schools in the boroughs of Islington and Haringey, for example, but these two fail to make the top group as there average point score is only 28.4. But if you are flexible, I generally tell people that moving to Richmond is the easiest option because there are so many outstanding state primary schools that even those considered as a backup option by residents would be oversubscribed if they were located anywhere else in London.

Where in Richmond should you move? Barnes, Mortlake and Sheen are lovely and have many excellent state schools (as well as many attractive private schools) and property prices are still reasonable here. Beware of the tiny catchment areas of the most popular schools Barnes Primary and Sheen Mount when you move here. Richmond itself is another very attractive for location, the park and the commute into the City via overground train to Waterloo.

As you can see, the level of achievement in wealthier areas of Central London is generally highest. The tendency of the tests to reflect the social profile of the intake rather than school quality has led many schools to boycott the national tests in 2010, which had reduced transparency for parents to some extent, but this year’s results seem to be more complete.

Also make sure to check the list of the top 20 high performing state primary schools in London based on 2012 test data published by the Department of Education, and 2015 catchment areas for London’s top state primary schools.

8 thoughts on “Where in London should you move for the best state primary schools?”

  1. I will be moving to London in October or till December depending on the situation as my husband is getting transfer there. my child will be 7 years old by then. my question is in which area shall we rent home with respect to my child’s schooling(State School).In which area can we get maximum outstanding State Schools?.

  2. We are moving to London, appreciate if you can suggest a location in London or outer London with good private nursery and primary schools.
    Many thanks

  3. I am searching the good primary schools and secondary now, and also viewing other people’s messages here, it is an amazing website and so helpful and friendly.

    Recently I am thinking my family will move to other sides of London for my son to have better education. We are currently based nearby Rotherhithe SE16, where only has one good primary school, and very competitive! No good secondary.

    My first choice will be the good state primary schools, and areas also has the good secondary schools, as I am not afford to provide him for private . Would you please recommend some such locations? Thanks very much.

  4. hi,
    i live in india and have a son 6 yrs old. my husband is getting a transfer to UK for 2 years. Can u please suggsest which schools should i look at. I would like to live in Richmond as they have some good state schools but when i called the local council they told me that most of them are full and will put me on waitlist. I should be there in July really tensed about getting my son a good school. pls help

    1. Hi Madhuri,

      Just wanted to know how you got along as I am in a similar situation as you….I will be coming to UK in July.

      Any input will be highly appreciated.

      Thanks and regards,

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