11+ results London 2015

thomass_batterseaMost schools have published their 11+ exit results for 2015 by now, while we need to wait until the summer for Common Entrance results. But we do have the results from a few co-educational prep schools already, along with most girls’ schools, at least the important ones. I will update this post as they are released. Currently, we are still awaiting results for Thomas’s, Knightsbridge School and a few others.

Co-ed prep schools

Pupils at Cameron House in Chelsea achieved offers from City of London School for Girls, Godolphin and Latymer, Latymer Upper, Wetherby Prep and Westminster Under this year. Interestingly, some children are moving on to ACS Cobham and ACS Hillingdon. Last year, there was a leaver to the Halcyon International School, so you can see how more parents are looking at international schools, probably also because the proportion of expat children is rising at all Central London preps.

Kew College did extremely well (just like last year!), with 3 offers from St Paul’s Girls’ (SPGS) and 2 places offered by Colet Court, out of only 35 candidates. The pupils also won an impressive 9 offers from Latymer Upper School, 9 from the Hampton School, 12 from Godolphin & Latymer, not to mention 10 offers from the Lady Eleanor Holles School! I am quite sure this is the strongest co-educational prep school in terms of results, especially given that it is non-selective!

Two girls at Hill House won 11+ places at St Paul’s but there were 6 from Latymer Upper, and 1 from Wycombe Abbey. 11+ pre-test results for boys have not been published.

Notting Hill Prep offers include St Paul’s Girls’ School, Latymer Upper and Wycombe Abbey, but no numbers are released.

Thomas’s Clapham got 1 girl into City and 2 into JAGS but none to SPGS. At Thomas’s Battersea, 3 girls got into Godolphin & Latymer, while none moved on to City or SPGS. 1 got into Wycombe Abbey.

Garden House Boys’ School has excellent 7+ / 8+ results as always, with 6 offer from Colet Court, 6 from Sussex House and another 3 from Westminster Under. Eaton House Belgravia have already published their results. The 7+ was very competitive this year, but two boys managed to get into Westminster Under and another one to King’s College Wimbledon. Most boys went for the 8+, and 6 boys accepted places at Westminster Under and another 5 at Colet Court. The most popular destination was again Sussex House with 9 accepted offer. Boys also went on to a wide variety of other prep schools this year. St John’s Wood Pre-Prep has published its impressive 7+ results, with offers from Bute, City, Latymer Prep, NLCS, SHHS and Wetherby. What I have heard a lot this year is that entry to Westminster Under has been terribly competitive, with several siblings as well as maths geniuses getting rejected. Hampstead Hill School has published their 2015 results, and it looks like there’s 1 offer from Colet Court, 1 from Westminster Under, 3 from Habs and 10 from Highgate School for the boys and 6 from CLSG, 9 from Highgate and 6 from SHHS, so quite strong overall.

Girls’ prep schools

It looks like Bute House finally has some competition! The most impressive results come from Falkner House and Kensington Prep this year, with 6 (out of 20) and 11 (out of 40) SPGS offers this year, respectively. Bute House is just behind percentage wise with 16 out of 58 girls offered places at SPGS. Bute House girls won lots of scholarships though, including two scholarships from SPGS, 3 from Latymer Upper, 3 from City and 4 from Godolphin & Latymer.

Next best this year is non-selective school Pembridge Hall with 6 offers from St Paul’s (out of 56 candidates). Girls at the Glendower Prep School only got 3 SPGS offers (out of 30 candidates) this year, let’s hope it’s a blip. They did have 9 offers from top boarding school Wycombe Abbey, so potentially they had a higher number of girls aiming for boarding schools this year. Also, 8 girls got into City and 15 (50% of the class) got into Godolphin and Latymer, so results are still very strong overall. If you consider that SPGS only accepts 100 girls per year, it is quite interesting that a handful of girls’ prep schools make up almost 40-50% of the class each year, with the rest of places filled by all other prep and state schools in and around London. Garden House offers include 2 girls heading to SPGS (out of 34), with another 2 heading to Wycombe Abbey. Francis Holland SW1 seems to be the main destination for Garden House girls this year.

I’d love to include North London prep schools as well but they either haven’t published their results or have only published lists of schools their pupils move on to, no numbers. I have heard through the grapevine that Sarum Hall girls have done quite well this year, with two offers from SPGS. Queen’s College Prep is also sending one girl to SPGS. Rumour has it that 3 girls from St Christopher’s got into SPGS as well, but they have not published the numbers.

I’d also like to add the disclaimer that I don’t think a school should be judged purely on how many pupils get into St Paul’s (or NLCS), but it’s a nice and easy way to create some sort of a ranking without making it too complicated. At least this gives you a very good indicator about the level of selectiveness and “pushiness” of a school, and you can judge for yourself if you think that is a good thing or not!

11 thoughts on “11+ results London 2015”

  1. Thank you for your helpful updates! Lots of us mums here at the royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea really appreciate your hard work in providing informative and regular updates. Keep up the wonderful work and thank you once again.

  2. Thanks this is really helpful. Do you have any information on north west london nurseries? Around wembley area? Many thanks!

  3. Do you include results or information on Eaton Square School? If not can you please say why? Sorry if this information is already available on your blog. Thank you!

    1. I would but so far they have not published their 2015 results. Only the 2014 results are on the website at the moment and there is no breakdown by numbers, just a (long) list of destination schools.

  4. Thank you for this – it is very helpful. I think it would also be helpful to see nurseries who send a proportion of children to the schools such as Ken Prep and Falkner for girls, so one can see the full trajectory. I hear through the grapevine that certain nurseries place more girls there, and others place virtually no girls there. Many thanks!

    1. JA – agree it’s very interesting. I know most of the numbers but must say they can be misleading. You always have to take into account the overall size of the nursery and how many kids actually apply. So you have one very large nursery group that can make up as much as 50% of the KP class, for example, but in terms of % of girls who apply, they do worse than some of the smaller nursery schools nearby with very high success rates. A better indicator is really what % of girls who apply get in, because it tells you a) how well prepared the children are and b) how good the advice the nursery is giving the parents is. Some nurseries tell everyone the child is great and do well and then they are disappointed. Others are more honest and tell parents they better look at back-ups.

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