7+ / 8+ results London 2018

Hawkesdown House

It is still very early days but the first pre-prep schools have started releasing their 7+ results. This post will be updated as schools release their results. Please see the summary of Westminster Under / St Paul’s / Sussex House feeders at the end of this post.

Children’s House Upper School 7+
Most children off to co-ed prep schools: St Paul’s Cathedral Choir School 8, Highgate 1, Trevor-Roberts 1, Northbridge House 1. Also 4 girls off to the Cavendish School in Camden, 1 to Channing in Highgate

Chiswick and Bedford Park Prep 7+
The school reports the following offers: St Paul’s 2, Westminster Under 2, Latymer Prep 4, King’s College 2, Summerfield Oxford 1, Falcons Boys 12

Eaton House Belgravia 7+ / 8+
upholding its reputation as a major feeder to the top boys’ schools in London, here are this year’s destinations:
7+: Westminster Under 5, St Paul’s Junior 5 (out of 7 offers), King’s College 2 (out of 4 offers), WCCS 5, Falkner House 3, Wetherby Prep 3, others 4
8+: Westminster Under 4 (out of 6 offers), St Paul’s 5 (out of 9 offers), Sussex House 5 (11 offers), King’s College 1 (3 offers), Wetherby Prep 6 (18 offers), Knightsbridge School 3, others 14

Garden House School 7+ / 8+
Westminster Under School 5, Sussex House 2, WCCS 4, St Paul’s Junior School 3, Wetherby Prep 2, rest mostly staying at Garden House till 11+

Golders Hill 7+
Final destinations of leavers: UCS Hampstead 5, Highgate 6, Belmont 1

Hampstead Hill 7+
exceptionally good results again this year… they report offers (not acceptances)
– Boys: 21 offers from UCS, 8 Wetherby, 7 Lyndhurst House, 3 Habs, 2 Westminster Under, 2 St Paul’s
– Girls: 13 SHHS, 4 City, 3 Channing
– co-ed: Highgate 27 offers (!!!), Northbridge House 25

Hawkesdown House
7+ destinations: Chepstow House 1, King’s College 2 (3 offers), St Paul’s 2, St Philipp’s 1, Westminster Under 1 offer (not accepted)
8+ destinations: St Paul’s Junior 1, Summerfields 1, Westminster Under 1, WCCS 2, Thomas’s Kensington 1, Sussex House 2 offers (not accepted)

Merlin School, Putney 7+
official results yet to be confirmed, rumour has it that 12 boys got offers from King’s College Wimbledon (8 accepted), 4 boys going to St Paul’s Junior School, 2 to Latymer Prep. To be updated.

Mulberry House School
list of 7+ offers
– City of London School for Girls 2
– Habs Boys 4
– Habs Girls 8 (4+ and 7+)
– Highgate 9
– NLCS 9 (4+ and 7+)
– SHHS 4 (4+ and 7+)
– St Paul’s Junior School 3
– UCS 5

Norland Place 8+

20 boys took exams, obtaining the following offers, among others
Caldicott 5
St Paul’s Juniors (formerly Colet Court) 3
St Philip’s 6
South Bank International School 1
Sussex House 8
Thomas’s 1
Westminster Cathedral Choir School 2
Westminster Under 2
Wetherby Prep 13

St John’s Wood Pre-Prep
incredible results for this small non-selective pre-prep next to Lord’s Crickets Ground. 11 kids took the 7+ exam and they are heading to:
– City of London School for Girls 2
– South Hampstead High 1
– St Paul’s Junior School 2
– UCS 3
– Westminster Under School 2

Wimbledon Common Prep School (Squirrels)
7+ destination schools (figures in brackets show additional offers not taken up)
– Feltonfleet 2 (5)
– King’s College Junior School 20 (5)
– Shrewsbury House 10 (11)
– St Paul’s 4 (3)
– Westminster Under 2 (2)

If you are looking for the top feeder schools to the highly selective prep departments, here is an overview by destination school – these will be updated for 2018 once a few more pre-preps have published their results:

Sussex House feeders 2018 at 8+:
– Norland Place 8
– Eaton House Belgravia 5 (11 offers)
– Hawkesdown House 2
– Garden House 2
– Wetherby Pre-Prep does not report detailed results but is likely to be a considerable feeder as well

St Paul’s Junior School feeders 2018 7+ and 8+:
– Eaton House Belgravia 10 (5 at 7+, 5 at 8+)
– Garden House 8
– Merlin School, Putney 4 (7+)
– Wimbledon Common Prep 4 (7+ only)
– Norland Place 3 (8+ only)
– Hawkesdown House 3
– Mulberry House School 3 (7+ only)
– Hampstead Hill 2 (7+ only)
– St John’s Wood Pre-Prep 2 (7+ only)
– Chiswick and Bedford Park Prep 2 (7+ only)
– Wetherby Pre-Prep does not report detailed results but is likely to be a considerable feeder as well

Westminster Under School feeders 2018 (7+ and 8+):
– Eaton House Belgravia 9 (7+ and 8+)
– Garden House 5
– Hampstead Hill 2 (7+ only)
– Norland Place 3 (8+ only)
– Hawkesdown House 2
– Wimbledon Common Prep 2 (7+ only)
– St John’s Wood Pre-Prep 2 (7+ only)
– Chiswick and Bedford Park Prep 2 (7+ only)
– Wetherby Pre-Prep does not report detailed results but is likely to be a considerable feeder as well

8 thoughts on “7+ / 8+ results London 2018”

  1. Hi – do you have a list of the number of students from different schools going to KCS (similar to the list you have above for St Paul’s Junior and Westminster Under?

    1. Hi, have not made one explicitly but if you scroll through the results, it should be clear that biggest feeders are Squirrels (WCPS), Merlin School in Putney, Rowans, plus usually 1-2 from the usual Central London pre-preps.

  2. The Avenue in Highgate also had great results with offers from Highgate, WCCS, Bute House, UCS Hampstead, St Anthony’s Boys and Girls, SHHS, Channing, Heathside, City of London Girls

  3. I thought Channing stopped their 7+ intake and so only 4+ and 11+ now although Hampstead Hill shows 3 entries there, could you please clarify?

  4. The numbers given under the Feeders list do not match up with the numbers published by the schools (atleast for Hawkesdown as that is what i compared)

    1. please note the feeders currently show 2017 data, as Eaton House etc have not published 2018 results yet. If you compare the Hawkesdown info on the feeder list with the Hawkesdown 2016-2017 results, they match perfectly.

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