A-Level results 2019: top London secondary schools

King’s College Maths School in Lambeth

15 August 2019 was A-Level results day and London’s school started sharing their success stories (and they always only share the success stories, don’t they?). We report results here as they are released, keeping in mind that some schools prefer to release their results with some delay, and others do not go into as much detail about percentages, highlighting individual success stories instead.

As last year, the highly selective King’s Maths School tops the table again. The top 60 London schools based on results published so far are the following, ranked by the percentage of A-Levels graded A* – the highest possible grade:

1King’s Maths SchoolstateCo-ed58.6%90.0%
2Westminster SchoolprivateCo-ed55.5%83.5%
3St Paul’s Girls’ SchoolprivateGirls52.1%87.7%
4St Paul’s SchoolprivateBoys50.4%80.0%
5City of LondonprivateBoys46.2%81.0%
6King’s College School WimbledonprivateCo-ed45.0%80.0%
7Hampton SchoolprivateBoys44.5%78.0%
8Queen Elizabeth School, BarnetstateBoys44.1%84.6%
9Haberdasher Aske’s School for BoysprivateBoys43.7%76.0%
11City of London School for GirlsprivateGirls40.8%79.0%
12South Hampstead High SchoolprivateGirls37.2%76.0%
13Godolphin & Latymer SchoolprivateGirls37.0%77.0%
14Lady Eleanor HollesprivateGirls37.0%77.0%
15Tiffin GirlsstateGirls34.9% 
17St Olave’s & St Saviour’s GrammarstateCo-ed32.7% 
19Merchant Taylor’s SchoolprivateBoys32.6% 
20Latymer UpperprivateCo-ed32.0%70.0%
21UCS, HampsteadprivateCo-ed30.9%75.0%
23Wimbledon HighprivateGirls30.0%70.0%
24Henrietta Barnett SchoolstateGirls29.9%70.0%
25Haberdasher Aske’s GirlsprivateGirls29.7%74.0%
26Tiffin SchoolstateBoys29.1% 
27Putney High SchoolprivateGirls28.8% 
28Dulwich CollegeprivateBoys28.6% 
29Harris Westminster AcademystateCo-ed28.2% 
30Wilson’s Grammar School, SuttonstateBoys27.7%74.40%
31Kingston Grammar SchoolprivateCo-Ed27.6%66.0%
33Dame Alice OwenstateCo-ed26.8% 
34St James Girls’ SchoolprivateCo-ed26.6%56.0%
35Whitgift School, CroydonprivateBoys26.0% 
36Channing SchoolprivateGirls25.7%67.5%
37Trinity School, CroydonprivateBoys22.8%61.3%
38Notting Hill & Ealing Highprivategirls22.5%56.0%
39Nonsuch High School, SuttonstateGirls22.0%55%
40Ibstock PlaceprivateCo-ed19.1%60.8%
41Bromley High, GDSTprivateGirls19%51%
42Francis Holland NW1privateGirls18.5%52.2%
43Surbiton High SchoolprivateGirls18.0%60.0%
44St Helen’sprivateGirls18.0%45.0%
45Queen’s GateprivateGirls17.4%54.2%
46Latymer School, EdmontonstateCo-ed17.0%52.0%
47Harrodian SchoolprivateCo-ed 52.0%
48Francis Holland SW1privateGirls16.0%47%
49Queen’s CollegeprivateGirls16.0% 
50Croydon High Schoolprivategirls15.6%50.0%
51Holland Park SchoolstateCo-ed15.0%50.0%
52Emanuel SchoolprivateCo-ed14.2%46.4%
53Streatham & Clapham High GDSTprivateGirls14.1%38%
54Camden School for GirlsstateCo-ed14.0%44%
55Wallington Country Grammar SchoolstateCo-ed14.0%44%
56St Michael’s Grammarstategirls14.0% 
57The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial Sch, Mixed, Comp, State, Kensington & Chelseastateboys13.0%44.6%
58Grey Court SchoolstateCo-ed12.0% 
59Fortismere SchoolstateCo-ed11.0%42.0%
60Lady Margaret SchoolstateGirls8.0%24.0%

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