London’s private and state secondary schools have offered all 11+ places out by now, and they have largely been accepted, although there are a tiny number of waiting list places potentially coming up in the next months. But decisions have mainly been finalised, and some prep schools have started publishing their results with a varying degree of detail. As many co-educational and boys’ schools are awaiting 13+ results, girls’ schools have been quicker to publish, which is why the below overview only includes those co-educational prep schools that have already shared their results for this year.
To see the overviews by popular destination schools, see separate posts for “feeder” prep schools for St Paul’s Girls’ School and Latymer Upper School in 2022.
Co-educational prep schools
Kew College: the year group of 31 children obtained the following offers: Emanuel School 4, Latymer Upper 3, LEH 8, G&L 4, Hampton School 11, King’s College Wimbledon 3, Kingston Grammar School 9, Tiffin Girls 1, Tiffin Boys 4, St Paul’s Girls’ School 1, St Paul’s Junior 1
Redcliffe Gardens School, Chelsea – as a member of the Godolphin & Latymer Foundation since September 2020, the school is delighted to report record offers this year, which include 3 offers from Godolphin & Latymer School, 1 Latymer Upper, 2 City of London School for Girls, 1 Dulwich College, 4 from Francis Holland SW1.
Ravenscourt Park Prep School: Latymer Upper 19 offers (8 accepted), Emanuel 2 offers (1 accepted), St Paul’s Junior School 1 offer, Hampton School 9 offers (4 accepted), G&L 5 offers (3 accepted), City 1 offer, LEH 3 offers (0 accepted)
The Roche School, Wandsworth: A wide variety of senior school destinations as you would expect from a diverse, non-selective school. The children won 18 scholarships between them and will be moving on to Epsom College 3, Dulwich College 2, Emanuel 2, Hampton School 2, Arts Ed 1, among others. Further offers include Tiffin School 1, Kingston Grammar School 2, Latymer Upper 2, King’s College Wimbledon 1, Emanuel 4, Wimbledon High 2, Surbiton High 2, Ibstock Place 5.
Girls’ prep schools
Falkner House School: this is the one prep school that consistently achieves fantastic 11+ results, also due to its highly selective nature. 2022 results include SPGS 8 offers (all accepted), City 9 offers (1 accepted), G&L 11 offers (2 accepted), LEH 1 offer (accepted), Latymer Upper 7 offers (0 accepted), Wycombe Abbey 3 offers (2 accepted), NLCS 1 offer (not accepted).
Glendower Prep: big cohort moving to Wycombe Abbey this year (14 offers of which 7 were accepted) but the most common destination is St Paul’s Girls’ School this year (9 offers of which 8 were accepted). After this, the most popular destinations were Francis Holland SW1 (4 accepted offers), City of London School for Girls (10 offers, 3 accepted), G&L (12 offers, 3 accepted), NLCS (12 offers, 4 accepted). 9 out of 34 candidates are moving on to boarding schools (7 Wycombe Abbey, 2 Cheltenham Ladies College).
Kensington Prep: 30 scholarships won this year, 19 academic, 5 music and 6 sport. Offers achieved by 39 candidates: Francis Holland SW1 27, Wimbledon High 21, Putney High 21, Godolphin & Latymer 15, Latymer Upper 8 offers, St Paul’s Girls’ School 6 offers. Most popular destinations this year Wimbledon High 8, St Paul’s Girls’ School 6, G&L 6, Putney High 6, Francis Holland 3, plus one each to City, Emanuel, Alleyn’s, Queen’s Gate, NHEHS, Wycombe Abbey.
Cavendish School, Camden – decisions have not been finalised, but offers include Channing 14, City 3, Francis Holland NW1 15, Highgate 3, NLCS 2, SHHS 2, SPGS 2, Godolphin & Latymer School 1.
Pembridge Hall in Notting Hill: As is the case at Glendower, boarding schools are popular this year, with 16 out of 50 moving on to Wycombe Abbey (10 offers, 5 accepted), Downe House (10 offers, 4 accepted), St Mary’s Ascot (7 offers, 4 accepted), Woldigham (3 offers, 2 accepted) and Cheltenham Ladies College (2 offers, 1 accepted). Most popular day school is Godolphin & Latymer this year, where 9 PHS girls are heading (out of 14 offers). Other offers include 3 SPGS, Latymer Upper 9 (4 accepted), Francis Holland SW1 23 offers, Francis Holland NW1 28 offers, SHHS 12 offers, City of London School for Girls 6 offers.
Bute House: 62 candidates this year, out of which 15 are moving on to SPGS (all offers accepted). G&L made 33 offers (11 accepted), LU 28 offers (11 accepted). Further offers include City 12, NLCS 8, Wycombe Abbey 7.
Sarum Hall – 2 SPGS offers (both accepted) , 4 G&L (2 accepted), 6 City of London School for Girls (4 accepted), 1 Wycombe Abbey, 1 Henrietta Barnett School, 4 NLCS offers
The Study Prep Wimbledon – 2 LEH (1 accepted), 15 Wimbledon High (10 accepted), 1 Tiffin Girls, 5 Kingston Grammar School (1 accepted), 2 G&L
St Christopher’s Hampstead – 9 City (5 accepted), 1 SPGS, 3 G&L (1 accepted), 1 Latymer Upper, 3 NLCS (1 accepted), 10 SHHS (2 accepted), 1 Wycombe Abbey, 1 Latymer School (grammar school in Edmonton)