A-Levels 2022: top 100 London schools

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Number 1: King’s College Maths School in Lambeth

A-Level Results Day
18 August 2022 is A-Level results day in the UK and while pictures of smiling teenagers jumping in the air and heart-warming individual success stories are great, some parents want to see numbers, too! So look no further for an initial ranking of London secondary schools based on their 2022 A-Level results. We report results here as they are released. This post will be updated continuously over the coming days and weeks as results are released. If you are looking for the top 100 secondary schools based on GCSE results, click here.

2022 marked the first year of A-level results based on public examinations since 2019. As last year, the highly selective King’s Maths School tops the table again. These 80 London schools have published their results so far. They are ranked by the percentage of A-Levels graded A* – the highest possible grade -where available, though a few schools that haven’t reported this number are included in the results for comparison based on their percentage of A* – A. Among private schools, Emanuel School in Clapham has reported its best ever A-level results. Other co-educational schools such as Alleyn’s and Harrodian School have also reported their best ever results, reflecting their increasing popularity.

Oxbridge Places
When it comes to Oxbridge places though, state schools are the big winners, with the following reported so far:

  • King’s Maths School: One third of pupils have received Oxbridge offers, including 8 places in the University of Cambridge Mathematics course
  • Brampton Manor: 92 Oxbridge places
  • St Olave’s: 37 Oxbridge places
  • Harris Westminster Academy: 36
  • Queen Elizabeth School: 35
  • Wilson’s School: 33
  • Henrietta Barnett School: 27
  • Woodhouse College: 25
  • Dame Alice Owen: 23
  • Camden School for Girls: 20
  • Twyford Church of England School: 10Waldegrave School: 9
  • Waldegrave School: 9
  • West London Free School: 7
  • Alexandra Park School: 6
  • Lady Margaret School: 5
  • Wimbledon College: 5
  • Wren Academy Finchley: 4
  • Kensington Aldridge: 3

Ranking: London’s top 100 secondary schools 2022

1King’s Maths School, LambethstateCo-ed86.5%99.6%
2St Paul’s Girls’ SchoolprivateGirls74.7%95.1%
3Westminster SchoolprivateBoys70.0%93.0%
4Queen Elizabeth School, BarnetstateBoys69.9%92.2%
5St Paul’s SchoolprivateBoys69.0%95.5%
6King’s College School WimbledonprivateCo-ed67.0%93.0%
7North London Collegiate SchoolprivateGirls63.0%88.0%
8Godolphin & Latymer SchoolprivateGirls60.0%90.9%
9Lady Eleanor HollesprivateGirls60.0%88.0%
10Henrietta Barnett SchoolstateGirls59.0%89.0%
11St Olave’s Grammar SchoolstateBoys59.0%87.0%
12Wilson’s SchoolstateBoys58.4%87.5%
13City of London School for GirlsprivateGirls57.4%85.5%
14Hampton SchoolprivateBoys57.0%88.5%
15Tiffin GirlsstateGirls56.6%87.5%
16City of LondonprivateBoys56.0%90.0%
17Highgate SchoolprivateCo-ed55.5%84.0%
18Alleyn’s, DulwichprivateCo-ed55.0%81.0%
19South Hampstead High SchoolprivateGirls54.4%80.7%
20Haberdasher Aske’s School for BoysprivateBoys52.1%85.8%
21Dulwich CollegeprivateBoys52.0%82.0%
22Haberdasher Aske’s School for GirlsprivateGirls51.5%85.2%
23Notting Hill & Ealing Highprivategirls50.0%80.0%
24Trinity School, CroydonprivateBoys49.0%79.0%
26Latymer UpperprivateCo-ed46.5%81.9%
27Wimbledon HighprivateGirls46.0%83.0%
29UCS, HampsteadprivateCo-ed45.0%81.0%
30Surbiton High SchoolprivateGirls44.0%79.0%
31Dame Alice OwenstateCo-ed42.0%74.0%
32Kingston Grammar SchoolprivateCo-Ed40.8%75.0%
33Harrodian SchoolprivateCo-ed40.7%78.3%
34Francis Holland SW1privateGirls40.0%75.0%
35Colfe’s SchoolprivateCo-ed39.5%71.7%
36Sutton Grammar SchoolstateBoys36.9%68.4%
37Streatham & Clapham High GDSTprivateGirls35.1%62.0%
38Latymer School, EdmontonstateCo-ed35.0%69.0%
39Newstead Wood SchoolstateCo-ed35.0%65.0%
40Tiffin SchoolstateBoys34.6%73.2%
41Nonsuch High School, SuttonstateGirls34.5%64.9%
42JFS, BrentstateCo-ed34.0%66.0%
43Channing SchoolprivateGirls33.9%72.5%
44St Helen’s, NorthwoodprivateGirls33.3%79.8%
45Bromley High, GDSTprivateGirls33.0%67.0%
46Wallington High School for GirlsstateGirls33.0%64.8%
47Merchant Taylor’s SchoolprivateBoys32.7%75.2%
48Emanuel SchoolprivateCo-ed32.3%70.0%
49Michaela Community SchoolstateCo-ed32.0%74.0%
50Croydon High Schoolprivategirls32.0%73.0%
51Whitgift School, CroydonprivateBoys31.5%70.1%
52Putney High SchoolprivateGirls31.0%70.0%
53St Benedict’s School, EalingprivateCo-ed30.4%61.3%
54King Alfred School, Golders GreenprivateCo-ed30.0%55.0%
55Queen’s CollegeprivateGirls29.4%59.6%
56St Dunstan’s CollegeprivateCo-ed29.0%63.0%
57Hasmonean High School for BoysstateBoys29.0%58.0%
58Francis Holland NW1privateGirls28.6%69.8%
59Harris Westminster AcademystateCo-ed28.0%57.0%
60Ibstock PlaceprivateCo-ed27.8%62.1%
61St James Girls’ SchoolprivateGirls27.6%52.9%
62Wallington Country Grammar SchoolstateCo-ed27.0%64.0%
63Mossbourne AcademystateCo-ed27.0%57.0%
64Camden School for GirlsstateCo-ed27.0%55.0%
65St Michael’s Grammarstategirls27.0%
66Sydenham High, GDSTprivateGirls26.9%62.0%
67Hasmonean High School for GirlsstateGirls26.0%63.0%
68St MarylebonestateGirls25.9%54.3%
69Holland Park SchoolstateCo-ed25.6%54.2%
70St James Girls’ SchoolprivateGirls25.3%53.0%
71St Augustine’s PrioryprivateGirls25.0%57.0%
72Waldegrave SchoolstateGirls24.0%53.0%
73Royal Russell SchoolprivateCo-ed23.9%56.3%
74Lady Margaret SchoolstateGirls23.9%52.0%
75Grey Court SchoolstateCo-ed23.7%50.0%
76Queen’s GateprivateGirls22.9%54.2%
77Chislehurst & Sidcup GrammarstateCo-ed22.5%55.0%
78Coloma Convent Girls’ SchoolstateGirls21.5%43.2%
79Ilford County High SchoolstateBoys21.0%55.0%
80Mill Hill SchoolprivateCo-ed20.2%45.7%
81Fortismere SchoolstateCo-ed20.0%50.0%
82Turing House SchoolstateCo-ed18.6%35.3%
83Alexandra Park SchoolstateCo-ed18.0%43.0%
84West London Free SchoolstateCo-ed16.0%45.0%
85Wimbledon CollegestateBoys15.6%35.3%
86Orleans Park SchoolstateCo-ed15.0%46.0%
87Beths Grammar SchoolstateCo-ed13.8%40.3%
88John Lyon SchoolprivateBoys11.0%
89Brampton Manor AcademystateCo-ed90.0%
90Newham Collegiate Sixth FormstateCo-ed78.0%
91Hampton Court HouseprivateCo-ed70.0%
92Forest SchoolprivateCo-ed67.0%
93Twyford Church of England SchoolstateCo-ed60.0%
94The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial Schoolstateboys58.1%
95The London Oratory SchoolstateCo-ed56.0%
96Blackheath High, GDSTprivateGirls56.0%
97Woodhouse CollegestateCo-ed56.0%
98Paddington AcademystateCo-ed55.0%
99Sutton High GDSTprivateGirls53.0%
100Wetherby Senior SchoolprivateBoys50.0%

49 thoughts on “A-Levels 2022: top 100 London schools”

    1. Graveney school had an A-A* percentage of 36.5% at A-levels in 2022, so they would not be in the top 100, probably around 150 or 200. They have not published their % of A* grades.

  1. Eltham College In A Levels 2022 , 44% of grades were A*, while 74% were either A*/ A. Nearly 90% of A Level grades were A*-B

  2. St Olaves, At GCSE, 91.0% of the grades
    secured by pupils were grades 9-7, with
    51% being at 9 and 77% being at 9/8,
    Oxbridge : 37

  3. City of London girl has 36% of students achieving three A*s or more and 85% of all papers graded A* or A. Why not add in 36% to truly reflect your ranking if you are using A*s as your ranking criteria?

    1. 36% of students achieving three A*’s is not the same as 36% of all grades being A* – most likely their A* percentage is even higher but this number will be added when published.

    1. These are A-level results. I think you are giving percentages of GCSE grades. From the Colfe’s website: “88% of grades awarded were A*-B with 71% A*-A – eighteen students achieved straight A*..”

  4. Radnor House (soon to be Kneller Hall !) reporting :

    A Level, the A-E pass rate was 99%, with 48% of the grades at A* and A, 75% A*-B and 96% A*-C.

  5. Where are the boarding schools as a lot of them will change the top 10 ranking… Wycombe, Cheltenham, St Mary’s Ascot….

    1. This is an overview of LONDON based schools so will not include boarding schools outside of London by definition. It is not a UK ranking, just London. That said, many of the London schools dominate the top 100 UK rankings as well.

    1. Not yet because they have not published their percentage of A-A* grades yet. Based on percentage of A*-B, they will likely be around #80. If you have the results, do share and they can be included.

  6. Holland Park School results sent to parents are:
    A* grades 25.6%
    A*-A grades 54.2%
    A*-B grades 76.8%
    A*-C grades 90.4%
    100% pass rate.

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