London GCSE ranking 2023

Thursday 24 August was GCSE results day and here are the top 100 London secondary schools based on results released so far. Many more exciting stories are coming in so the below table will be updated frequently over the next days.

St Paul’s Girl’s School is #1 as every year, but NLCS is a VERY close second this time. Highgate and Latymer Upper School are the top ranked co-educational schools, followed by Alleyn’s in Dulwich and Kingston Grammar School.

While we usually like to rank schools by the percentage of grades at A*, the below are currently ranked by percentage of grades at A-A* as many schools have not yet released their full data. Below are the top 100 London secondary schools based on GCSE results 2023:

School% 8-9% 7-9TypeGender
1St Paul’s Girls’ School94.8%99.0%privateGirls
2North London Collegiate School93.0%99.0%privateGirls
3King’s College School Wimbledon89.8%98.1%privateBoys
4Henrietta Barnett School89.0%97.0%stateGirls
5Godolphin & Latymer School87.3%96.7%privateGirls
6Westminster School90.0%96.0%privateBoys
7St Paul’s School87.0%96.0%privateBoys
8City of London School for Girls83.0%95.0%privateGirls
9Wilson’s School85.1%94.9%stateBoys
10Tiffin Girls81.4%94.6%stateGirls
11Lady Eleanor Holles82.5%94.3%privateGirls
12South Hampstead High School82.6%94.0%privateGirls
13Latymer Upper79.3%93.0%privateCo-ed
14Highgate School79.0%93.0%privateCo-ed
15Queen Elizabeth School, Barnet81.8%92.8%stateBoys
16City of London79.0%92.4%privateBoys
17Dulwich College74.9%92.0%privateBoys
18Wimbledon High75.6%92.0%privateGirls
19Hampton School75.0%91.0%privateBoys
20Haberdasher Aske’s School for Boys91.0%privateBoys
21St Olave’s Grammar School76.0%90.9%stateBoys
22Alleyn’s, Dulwich75.0%90.0%privateCo-ed
23Putney High School75.0%90.0%privateGirls
24UCS, Hampstead73.0%90.0%privateBoys
25Kingston Grammar School90.0%privateCo-Ed
27Francis Holland SW175.0%89.0%privateGirls
29Notting Hill & Ealing High74.0%88.2%privategirls
30Whitgift School, Croydon67.1%88.1%privateBoys
31Trinity School, Croydon70.0%88.0%privateBoys
32Surbiton High School67.9%87.7%privateGirls
33Emanuel School68.0%87.0%privateCo-ed
34Latymer School, Edmonton69.3%86.5%stateCo-ed
35Channing School63.7%86.2%privateGirls
36Nonsuch High School, Sutton68.7%86.1%stateGirls
37Haberdasher Aske’s School for Girls86.0%privateGirls
38Merchant Taylor’s School67.3%85.4%privateBoys
39Newstead Wood School66.6%85.0%stateGirls
40St Helen’s, Northwood63.0%84.0%privateGirls
41St Michael’s Grammar63.0%83.3%stategirls
42Tiffin School63.3%82.4%stateBoys
43Wallington High School for Girls62.6%stateGirls
44Eltham College56.0%81.0%privateco-ed
45Woodford Country High School80.0%stateGirls
46Colfe’s School59.0%79.0%privateCo-ed
47Francis Holland NW156.0%77.0%privateGirls
48Queen’s College56.0%77.0%privateGirls
49Croydon High School55.0%77.0%privategirls
50Sutton Grammar School54.8%76.4%stateBoys
51Harrodian School52.0%75.0%privateCo-ed
52Sutton High GDST50.0%75.0%privateGirls
53Ibstock Place74.0%privateCo-ed
54Blackheath High, GDST52.0%73.0%privateGirls
55Forest School50.0%73.0%privateCo-ed
56Bromley High, GDST53.0%72.0%privateGirls
57Streatham & Clapham High GDST48.1%68.7%privateGirls
58Hampton Court House40.0%70.0%privateCo-ed
59Wallington County Grammar School70.0%stateBoys
60Thames Christian School70.0%privateCo-ed
61St Benedict’s School, Ealing42.8%69.3%privateCo-ed
62Dame Alice Owen48.0%68.0%stateCo-ed
63Townley Grammar School45.0%68.0%stateGirls
64St Dunstan’s College45.0%67.0%privateCo-ed
65Wetherby Senior School45.0%privateBoys
66Queen’s Gate44.0%66.7%privateGirls
67Bexley Grammar School42.8%65.8%stateCo-ed
68Old Palace of John Whitgift65.5%privateGirls
69Chislehurst & Sidcup Grammar40.8%65.3%stateCo-ed
70Beths Grammar School39.6%63.0%stateCo-ed
71Sydenham High, GDST40.0%62.0%privateGirls
72St Augustine’s Priory37.0%60.0%privateGirls
73St James Girls’ School58.0%privateGirls
74Radnor House Twickenham58.0%privateCo-ed
75The Laurel’s School39.6%57.9%privategirls
76John Lyon School33.0%57.0%privateBoys
77JFS, Brent57.0%stateCo-ed
78Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School37.1%55.4%stateboys
79Twyford Church of England School55.0%stateCo-ed
80St Catherine’s School Twickenham35.0%54.0%privateGirls
81Fortismere School34.0%54.0%stateCo-ed
82Hasmonean High School for Girls54.0%stateGirls
83Greycoat Hospital School53.6%stateGirls
84Mossbourne Victoria Park Academy53.0%stateCo-ed
85Kew House53.0%privateCo-ed
86Mossbourne Community Academy52.0%stateCo-ed
87St Marylebone51.0%stateGirls
88Camden School for Girls51.0%stateCo-ed
89Mill Hill School51.0%privateCo-ed
90Lady Margaret School30.0%50.6%stateGirls
91Grey Court School30.0%50.0%stateCo-ed
92Orleans Park School50.0%stateCo-ed
93Alexandra Park School50.0%stateCo-ed
94Royal Russell School28.7%48.5%privateCo-ed
95West London Free School48.0%stateCo-ed
96Waldegrave School47.0%stateGirls
99Hasmonean High School for Boys45.0%stateBoys
100Wren Academy Finchley45.0%stateCo-ed
100Parliament Hill School45.0%stateGirls

49 thoughts on “London GCSE ranking 2023”

  1. Can you please also include the average number of GCSE subjects the student took? Some schools took average 8-9 subject some took nore than 10 subjects that makes a difference.

    1. very true, unfortunately some schools do not publish this information and only publish summaries. Overall it tends to be the girls’ schools that let pupils drop GCSE subjects to boost results (with the exception of the most academic girls’ schools).

    2. SPGS only put average 9.4 subjects per pupil for their GCSE results, and HBS has nearly 11 subjects per pupil, sounds like a huge difference.

  2. Hamptons in their website % 8-9 is 75% and 7-9 91% (not 74.3% for 8-9) , LEH 83% and 94% respectively
    Putney’s % 8-9 is 76.3% and 7-9 90.8% (not 75% and 90%) based on table in website
    Alleyns % 8-9 is 75.1% and 7-9 90.7% (not 75% and 90%) based on table in website
    JAGS 76% and 90% (NOT 75% and 89%)

    1. Just saying the percentages in the table look to be too much rounded off, looking at Putney, JAGS or Alleyns

    2. that is because the schools often report rounded results in their initial press releases and only publish detailed numbers once remarks etc are in – some schools (such as Habs) still only have the 2022 on their website and only report 2023 results via press releases with rounded / incomplete data at this stage

    1. Kew House will now be included (#84)- they published their data very late.
      Thomas’s senior is fairly new and have not gotten to the point of GCSE results yet.

  3. Dame Alice Owen is not in London – it’s in Hertfordshire. Actually, quite a few of these schools are not (technically) in London – NLCS is in Edgware and has a Harrow postcode, Harrow is in Harrow.

    1. Harrow and Edgware are both in Greater London. Hertfordshire is indeed not in London but DAO admits a considerable number of Norh zLondon children via their grammar stream, hence it is included for comparison purposes.

    1. Final results for SPGS look different from what you have above.

      81.9% at 9, 94.8% at 8-9 and 99% at 7-9.

      From the school website.

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