SPGS accepts 100 – 110 girls at 11+. This year, nearly half of those places went to girls at the following six girls’ only prep schools: Bute House, Glendower Prep, Falkner House, St Christopher’s Hampstead, and Sarum Hall. Most other prep schools are sending only 1 – 2 girls at most.

- Bute House 18 offers (17 accepted)
- Glendower Prep 9 offers (9 accepted)
- Falkner House 6 offers (5 accepted)
- Kensington Prep 6 (6 accepted)
- St Christopher’s Hampstead 5 offers
- Sarum Hall 5 offers
- 1 offer each: Kew College Prep, The Study Prep, Queens College Prep, Finton House
Hi,how can I regester of your news letters?
Hi, please send an email to ADMIN at Londonpreprep DOT com and I will add you.
What’s the total number of candidates ?
The intake is 100 – 110 girls.
I meant eg how many students are at Bute vs Glendower vs Kensington Prep etc? As I think Bute has the biggest grade size?
you can check the individual leavers’ destinations. Bute 55-60 students, Glendower 34-38, KPS 34-40, Falkner 20-22
May I please ask – how many potential candidates for each school or as a %? I believe some schools have more pupils
Hi, I will add this information shortly