Every September up to six boys join Westminster Cathedral Choir School in Year 4 as choristers. Becoming a chorister offers them the opportunity to sing in a world famous choir, and to join a thriving, inclusive, independent school for boys, age 4 – 13.
Discover more about the adventure of chorister life at WCCS.
10.00 am
Guests arrive, Westminster Cathedral Choir School
10.05 am
Children do some singing practice
10.10 am
Presentation to parents from Head & Head of Boarding
10.30 am
Parents and children visit chorister Song School, with presentations from Master of Music & a current chorister
10.45 am
Tours of the School with choristers
11.05 am
11.45 am
Visitors go to Cathedral for sung Mass at midday
All choristers receive generous scholarships, supplemented by means-tested bursaries of up to 100% of fees where needed.
Contact Lucy Auger to register.
Tel 020 7798 9081 Email lauger@choirschool.com