STEM and Maths camps this summer

Below is an overview of recommended STEM camps by the London School of Maths and Programming as well as specialised online Maths camps offered by the Shine Academy this summer:

Face to Face Camps in Chelsea

Senior STEM Camps for Years 3 to 11

Senior camps are hands-on, teaching robotics and electronics, as well as maths and programming, with a set of inspiring and educational experiments. Includes a take home robotic or electronic project: 

Junior Camps for Reception to Year 3

Junior camps teach science, problem solving, coding and chess:

Online Camps

Senior Camps for Years 3 to 11

Senior camps focus on maths and programming (appropriate to each participating child’s level):

Junior Camps for Reception to Year 3

Junior camps teach coding, problem solving maths and chess. Please note that the content is different in each of these three camps so children attending more than one will experience more ‘Aha!’ moments and not repeat any material:   

To enroll your child please email us at


The Shine Academy offers online Maths camps for children in Y 1 – Y8, specifically those preparing for 7+/8+/11+ Maths exams:

For Y7 going into Y8 students:

  1. Jump Start Y8 Maths Camp (2 hours per day for 5 days)

A review of Y7 maths and an introduction into Y8 maths – reinforcing key concepts from Y7 that are critical for students going forward and covering off a handful of new concepts they will need in Y8. Focus will be on building problem solving skills in key areas such as number theory, number grids, algebra and geometry.

For Y6 going to Y7 students:

  1. Transition Maths Camp (2 hours per day for 5 days)

Hit the ground running in secondary school! Many students have lost their maths mojo in the months following 11+ exams. This camp is to review many of the key maths concepts they should know heading into secondary school. We will be reviewing fundamental concepts including fractions and decimals, geometry (perimeter, area, and angles), and algebra, introducing new concepts and working through advanced problem solving to ensure the children are secondary school ready.

For Y5 going to Y6 students:

Shine 11+ Maths Sprints  (3 hours per day for 5 days)

Sprints are designed to prepare students for the 11+ maths exams. The children will sit five different exams across five days. Exams are designed to expose them to as wide a range of questions as possible. For every Sprint, the set of exams gets harder and work towards having children sitting the hardest exams for London day schools by December in preparation for January exams.

We will run two weeks in summer: the July week means parents will have a good view of your children’s ability at the start of summer to allow them time to work effectively over summer and the August week gets children back in shape before school starts. Please note that the exams given will be different across the two weeks with the August exams being slightly harder than those given in July

Shine 11+ VR/NVR Clinics  (2.5 hours per day for 5 days)

For Y4 going to Y5 students:

  1. VR/NVR Reasoning Clinic (2.5 hours per day for 5 days) 

Our Y4 reasoning clinics are to help lay the foundations for reasoning and teaching different tools and techniques to help solve reasoning questions. The questions we cover for Y4s will be relatively easy as it is an introduction to the various topics.

We will cover different VR/NVR subjects for Intro Week 1 and Intro Week 2, hence if possible, please do both so that the children can be more ready for the CATS tests which normally take place in Autumn term.

Please note, our VR programme only addresses the logic and quantitative part of VR, i.e. no vocabulary or grammar related topics. 

Y4 Maths Camp (2 hours per day for 5 days)

A review of Y4 maths and an introduction into Y5 maths – mainly reinforcing key concepts from Y4 that area critical for students and covering off a handful of new concepts they will need in Y5.

Shine PMC Workshops (Primary Maths Challenge)for Year 4 and 5 students (2.5 hours per day for 5 days)

PMC is a maths competition-style challenge which takes place in November of each year. Many of the top primary schools will ask their Year 4-6 students to sit it. Top performing students are then invited to take part in the Bonus Round in February of the following year. The PMC is designed to stretch and develop children’s problem solving and reasoning skills, and is something we encourage all students to take part in.

Shine PMC Workshops are designed to build children’s mathematical mindset, to develop and introduce new approaches to problem solving and help them succeed in the PMC.

For Y3 going to Y4 students:

Y3 Maths Camp (2 hours per day for 5 days)

Shine Maths Camps are designed for Y3 students who are looking to sharpen their maths skills to avoid the usual “holiday slide”.

For Y2 going to Y3 students:

Shine 8+ Maths Sprint (2 hours per day for 5 days)

The 8+ Sprint is designed to prepare students for the 8+ exams – helping them familiarise with exam format, exposing them to a wide range of questions and teaching them pacing and other exam techniques. We’ll do exam papers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and do topic-specific sessions where the students need more help on Tuesday and Thursday.

For Y1 going to Y2 students:

Shine 7+ Maths Sprint (2 hours per day for 5 days)

The 7+ Sprint is designed to prepare students for the 7+ exams – helping them familiarise with exam format, exposing them to a wide range of questions and teaching them pacing and other exam techniques. We’ll do exam papers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and do topic-specific sessions where the students need more help on Tuesday and Thursday.

Email to book your child’s place.

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