
Rethinking the 11+ exam

Guest post by Alex Paseau. The author teaches at Oxford University. The 11+ exam has been roundly criticised by opponents of academic selection. But even those who believe in academic selection should recognise that the 11+ in its current form is flawed. It needs to be rethought. The first argument against the current 11+ is

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Changes in 7+/8+/11+ exams

Here we are, 9 months into the pandemic, and perhaps predictably, the absurdity of testing thousands of 6 to 10 year olds just after the Christmas holidays is becoming apparent to all. The wisest schools shifted their exams to the autumn term (7+ and some 8+ in person, 11+ online via ISEB or CEM pre-test),

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ISEB pre-test for 11+

We live in extraordinary times, and many secondary schools have changed their 11+ admissions process for September 2021 as a result. If you are following the news, you will have heard about the ISEB by now. What is the ISEB and how will it affect admissions this year? Will all schools use this test and

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