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47 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hi, first of all I’d like to commend you on the fantabulous job you’ve done in compiling invaluable information for parents such as me. My query is regarding my son. He’s 2.5 years old currently and we reside in Richmond/Kingston. W are currently looking for a good private nursery school for him. I quite liked the eaton square nursery school as ones child later goes on to the pre-preparatory that the offer. I even went around for a visit at their fulham branch a couple of months ago and was rather pleased. However, my husband feels it shall be a bit far of to commute on a daily basis and maybe we should look for schools around Richmond/Kingston area. My concern is that I plan to have my son sit the 7+ at colet court and do not know any good pre- prep schools that will allow my child to cope with the exam there. Could you list a few good private/independent nursery and pre-prep schools around Richmond/Kingston. Although I think I may prefer a pre-prep that has it’s own nursery. But either ways could you list a few. Moreover, would you be having any idea, as to which nursery or schools the kids attend prior to colet court. As in does colet court have any feeder school or nurseries ?. Regards,

  2. Dear London Preprep,
    Thank you so much for all the information on your website.
    We have a 22 month old daughter and are expecting a son in 1 month. We would like both of them to do IB, and understand that in Central London only Godolphin and Latymer, and King’s college would offer that option, is this right? Can you recommend good mixed feeder/prep schools when the two siblings can go (without too much commuting between Hammersmith and Wimbledon), and where it is not too late to register our daughter?
    Many thanks

    1. Dear Maman, I would not worry to much about IB at this stage because over the next 10-15 years a lot is going to change in terms of which schools offer it, so you shouldn’t limit yourself only to schools that offer the IB. Happy to advise you in more detail, I offer one hour phone consultations that cover questions such as feeder schools and how to get in. Please email us under consulting AT londonpreprep DOT com if you are interested.

  3. I am planning to do my MSc Pharmaceutical science at Kings college, London during the academic year 2014-15 September and in Central London one of my Aunt resides who holds green card. I have 4 yrs old son here in India and I just want to know about the schools which are good and also the terms and conditions for admission, list of schools which are good and also fees per annum.

  4. Hi, thank you for setting up such a super informative website. I would dearly like a bilingual education for my son, could you tell if you know of any options other than the Lycée?



  5. Hello – I would like to add to the other comments and say what a great idea and site this is and extremely helpful. I have a 6 month old daughter and am starting to think about pre-prep schools for her. I wanted to ask for pre prep both private and state does distance play a factor on admission? We currently live in Ealing and we are wondering whether we will need to an area like richmond in order to get accepted to pre prep and prep schools in and around that area. Many thanks for your help.


  6. Dear Sir

    I have three suns, I want to find UK school for them , we are living in Sir Lanka . My first kid 9 years old , second one 7 old and third one is 5 months old , Can you give me cost of your school and more details , I hope soon reply ,

  7. Thank you for starting such a wonderful website with a wealth of information.

    I wanted to suggest if you could review the recently published Sunday Times Top 100 Prep schools guide.

    Also I wonder if it would be possible for you to review some of the schools in South London such as Dulwich Prep, Alleyns, JAGs?

    Thank you.

  8. Thank you so much for your effort. Its almost impossible to figure out on your own all the details. You comments and research helped us to channelize our efforts in right direction.

  9. Hi there,
    This is a fantastic website, thanks for all the advice!
    We are moving to London next year and Hill House is our preferred school. We are looking at living in the neighbourhood of Chiswick and realise with London being so big, that it is not in the immediate vicinity of the school… Do you have any advice on where Hill House families tend to live and whether any might actually live in or near Chiswick? My concern is partly getting the children to and from school but also ensuring play dates with school friends would be feasible.
    Any advice or insights you might have would be wonderful!
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Catherine,

      To be honest with you, I think making it to Hill House School from Chiswick will be quite a challenge and I would advise you against this. Most pupils at the school come from nearby areas such as Knightsbridge, South Kensington and Chelsea, with many more from a bit further areas such as Parsons Green/Fulham, Clapham, Pimlico, Marylebone or Battersea. Maybe you have a few families from as far as Notting Hill, Putney or Hammersmith but I doubt any family would make it from further away. I think once you come to London you will realise that it could be a bit of a crazy idea to live in Chiswick and send your children to school in Knightsbridge ;-).

      The school run could become a nightmare plus you would definitely have the issue of playdates etc.. Also, Chiswick is supposed to be a great area for families with many excellent schools, and you have other excellent schools closer to Chiswick, in Richmond or Hammersmith for example, so you probably wouldn’t need to go for Hill House.

      If you do opt for Hill House and still want a family friendly area a bit further out than Kensington/Chelsea, I would recommend you consider areas such as Parsons Green, Clapham or Wandsworth. There is a school bus that runs to Hill House School from Fulham/Parsons Green all the way along New Kings Road/Kings Road that would make it much easier for you.

    1. Hi Michael,

      unfortunately the answer is “it depends” :-). They are both extremely popular fantastic schools but very different. If you ask which school sends the highest share of pupils to the like of St Paul’s School and Westminster, the answer is going to be Wetherby. It is very rigorous academically and also very prestigious and competitive. It’s a boys only school. Fox Primary is an outstanding co-educational state school which offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities, after-school care for working parents till 6pm and is completely free. It is extremely popular with parents in Notting Hill. So it really depends what kind of experience you are after. You can’t go wrong with either school I assume.

  10. Hi, this is a great blog, thanks for all the compiled information.

    I have one question, on the “free london schools guide” you mention that many of the state schools have extended services up to 6pm for working parents; do you by any chance have a list of these schools?

    Also, do you maybe have a list of the private schools that have extended services?

    Thanks again.

    1. Hi Vahid,

      I wish there was such a list! What you generally need to do is check information for each council. Among state schools, they call such schools “extended schools” which generally means they have a breakfast club running from 8 – 9am and after school clubs till 6pm. In most councils, a cluster of schools cooperate for after-school care anyway, which means that even if your child is not at an extended school, they would arrange for children from that school to be brought to a neighbouring extended school that does offer after-school care till 6pm. So you would have that option in most state schools. Of the top of my head, in Kensington & Chelsea for example, Fox Primary and Park Walk primary offer after-school care till 6pm, but I am sure there are many more. If you let me know what borough you live in or are considering I could be of more help. In the private school sector, I haven’t actually found any that offers care till 6pm throughout (i.e. from Reception age onwards). they do have after-school clubs that tend to run until 4.30 or 5pm, but you could not assume that there will be a suitable club for your child every day. Some days would not have a club for Reception or Year 1 children, for example. I assume there must be some that offer full extended services, but of all the ones I have looked at, I couldn’t find a single one unfortunately. When I asked them about it, they usually said children are tired by the end of the school day and want to go home, and that working parents just hire nannies to take the children home. Not a very satisfactory answer but that is all I got!

  11. I am from the US and am just now diving into this very overwhelming British school system. My question is, if I hope for my kids to go to one of the top London schools (St. Paul’s, Latymer, etc.), how important is it to send them to a prep school? We would prefer to have our kids go to a state primary, but as I’m reading more info (e.g. about feeder schools, etc.), it seems this may be just a fantasy?

    In particular, we are looking at a house in Battersea, as the primary schools there–Honeywell and Belleville–are extremely highly rated state schools. But will this put them at a disadvantage when they try to get into the top secondary schools?

    In general, would you recommend north or south London to have more choices for outstanding day schools?

    1. Hi Nancy,

      going to one of the top schools from state primaries is quite common actually, you will find that a lot of people try to do state primary and then independent secondary. especially if they are lucky enough to get into outstanding state primaries. Most people in Central London just have to send their children to prep school if they can’t get into the good state primaries. Prep school just makes the whole thing easier. Even if your kids are at an excellent state primary, I think would still need to do a bit more extra work with them and potentially hire a tutor in the last year to increase their chances of getting into a top school – admittedly even most prep school pupils need to do that, though!

      I would say if you are working full-time yourself and/or you don’t have the confidence that you could prep your kids yourself, then a prep school might be a bit easier and more convenient (although much more expensive!). If you can get into a top state primary all you need is make sure you prepare your children for those parts that prep schools help their pupils with in terms of exam technique and practising verbal reasoning tests. When the time comes, you will see you can buy 11+ preparation tests and papers that cover exam technique and all the type of material these tests cover, so one could really prepare at home. You could even hire a tutor specifically for 11+ preparation in the final year before the test, it would still be by far cheaper than paying for prep school.

      But when you move you do need to make sure you are in the right catchment area for those schools you are targeting, and also I am not sure how old your children are – if they are older they will most likely be allocated to whichever school in the borough has places remaining, not the one closest to your house. So you would need to move before your child’s 3rd or 4th birthday really to be sure. Wandsworth is a very good council in terms of excellent community primaries, as is Richmond, so I think South London is a good choice. There are lots of excellent state primaries in the North as well but I find at least in places like Hampstead or St John’s Wood house prices will be considerably higher in the catchment areas for the top schools when compared to Wandsworth or Richmond. I hope that helps to get you started, good luck!

  12. Thank you so much for your research! This is a brilliant and informative website!

    I will be moving to the borough of Harrow quite soon (We are looking at North Harrow so areas like Pinner/Hatch end/Northwood etc) and I was wondering if you could recommend any excellent pre/prep schools there? My daughter is just over 2 years old.

  13. What a brilliant and useful website. Thank you for this.

    My son is 15 months old and I have mot registered him anywhere for pre-prep. I would like to send him to a to. Independent one but have I missed the noat on getting hom on to ghe waiting lists?

    1. London Preprep

      Hi Sadia, don’t worry, it is definitely not too late for most schools! At many schools as long as you register the child before they’re 2 or 3 you’re absolutely fine as they do admissions via assessment. Even some of those that operate a first come first served policy might still have spaces. Check the admissions code for each school but it is only very few schools in Notting Hill and Knightsbridge that would require you to register your son before 15 months.

  14. Hi. Thank you for this great resource. I’m moving to London from Canada. I was wondering do you recommend any summer camps for a 4 year old boy in the Knightsbridge area? Our flat is right behind Knightsbridge school and I’m trying to a find a good summer camp for him. Thanks 🙂

    1. London Preprep

      Hi Sean – I am so sorry but I am really not sure about summer camps in Knightsbridge. I think most of the summer camps would take place in the outer parts of London (Richmond etc.) to take advantage of the outdoors, I have never heard of summer camps operated in Knightsbridge (at least not any open for the general public, I know many private schools do run some for their own pupils). Sorry I cannot be of more help!!

  15. Hi there. Thank you for a fantastic site..very helpful. We are starting to panic slightly about schools for our 2 year old son. I always thought people were being a bit paraniod by registering their children at birth for schools but have since discovered that it really is that competitive for London schools, as all of the schools that I have called already have long waiting lists for his intake. We are thinking of moving to Barnes in the next year or so, please could you give your opinion on The Harrodian, Ibstock Place and Broomfield House as these seem to be the best options I have seen, and I am hoping that if I register my 5 month old daughter at the same time this should help my son’s chances! Do you also know of any good nursery schools that I might be able to get him in to at short notice in the same area. Thanks very much for your help.

  16. London Preprep

    Hi P!
    thanks for your contribution! It is indeed difficult to make a decision when a school’s head has just changed! Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with either of these schools (have heard more from Prospect House but am not very familiar with Putney Park).

    From what I know the birthday is often taken into account by schools (albeit only qualitatively) so that should be okay. Really hard to say if it is easier to get into a top school at the 7+ or the 11+ level – it depends so much on the child! The main benefit of the 7+ is that they have another option to try at the 11+ if 7+ doesn’t work out, but the 7+ is also quite stressful for many children, so letting them develop at their pace and wait till the 11+ can also be a good idea (especially for summer borns).

    I say try to speak to parents and staff at both schools and see where you feel your son will thrive the most. It is very hard to make any certain predictions about passing to Colet Court/St Paul’s so much later and I would think that if it is meant to happen it will happen. Sorry not to be able to add more specific insights on the schools! I hope it helps a bit anyway.

    Good luck with your decision!

  17. Hi there,
    What a great and useful website.
    Have a dilemma which I’d really appreciate some help with please. Do I send my son to Putney park school (it’s going through lots of changes) or to Prospect house? My original plan was Putney park and then if son passes Colet court. However, now school has new head leaving along with reception teacher. New head position to be advertised after Christmas. If he goes to prospect house and sits 11 plus are hIs changes of getting into colet court dramatically reduced? He is a summer baby so wonder If better off doing 11 plus in any event? I would be grateful for your advice, kind regards, p

  18. Miranda Smart

    Hi there

    We would love to invite you to visit Kensington Prep and meet head Mrs Prudence Lynch to add to your list of schools you’ve visited. The website you have created is very informative and your insights will be welcomed by many parents..

    Do let me know if there are any dates that would suit you and I will get her secretary Mrs Bonner to be in touch with you. Miranda Smart 07939 11 3458

    1. London Preprep

      what a fantastic suggestion, I would love to! I will get back to you via email shortly!

  19. Hi there,

    Thanks so much for your website – very clear and informative!

    Just a quick question – would you by any chance know anything about Prospect House School in Putney? We could really use some advice on it vs say Fulham Prep or Thomas’ Fulham.

    Also what is your personal opinion on whether parents should choose 7+ prep or go through to 11/13+? Would you say it is more difficult for boys to get into their school of choice at 11?

    Thanks a lot!
    Best regards,

    1. London Preprep

      Hi there Anna, I don’t have direct experience wit Prospect House but from what I have heard from other parents, it is a lovely nurturing school with good results. Maybe being located slightly further out I don’t think they are as competitive/focused on exit results as Thomas’s would be – and I would assume Fulham Prep is somewhere in the middle – very good pastoral care and extracurriculars while also obtaining strong academic results. It’s hard to know exactly because only Fulham Prep publishes detailed results openly (Thomas’s and PH just give you a list of schools pupils tend to transfer to), but I think academically the are similar – very good but not at the top of London preps, which for many will be perfectly fine.

      On the 7+ / 11+ discussion, this is a matter of personal opinion probably, but from what I have seen the 7+ puts a tremendous amount of pressure on boys and girls at an age where other European children are just about starting primary school. Also, I think that at that age developmental differences based on age and timing can still play a much larger role than innate talent, so late developers can definitely be at a disadvantage and I am not sure it helps classing children into ability groups that young. So personally as a parent I prefer schools that go from 4 to 11 or 4 to 13 with no stress in between.

      But of course, some absolutely fantastic schools happen to start at the 7+ level so I can understand why some parents opt for it. I don’t think it is easier or harder to get in either way – it could be both depending on your child’s level of development. Obviously if you do the 7+ and then 11+ you have two chances to get into the likes of Westminster School etc. so I guess that is the attraction. But I really think preparation for the 7+ exam takes away valuable time that could be spent on personal development and true learning rather than test preparation. So I would prefer to avoid the 7+, but if I see my children are well advanced and mature for their age and they seem to be super bright and academic and might enjoy the challenge, I might still think about them taking the 7+… hope that helps!

  20. Hi
    Your web site is great, well done ! My daughter is 5 and half years old born in london, but most of her time spent abroad she doesn’t speak fluent English . I am trying to find her placement from this september.I have called few private schools in central London and on first phone call they refuse me for that reason, I was very surprised and worried in same time. I am sure you will be able to help me if you know friendly schools who will take on board happy, bright little girl who could learn very fast. I leave in LondonW1 Mayfair . Looking forward to hear from you. Thank you

  21. Dear London PrePrep,

    I wondered if you might be interested in visiting/reviewing our 2 west London schools – Maple Walk and Stepehnson. They are a little unusual, in that they operate on a not-for-profit bases, which means the fees are around half a of a conventional prep. However, we have just had our first Year 6 results (we have been growing a year group at a time) and have had some excellent offers, including a number of scholorships. We have also gained a review in the coveted Good Schools Guide. Our East London school, Faraday, attracts a lot of overseas children due to its proximity to Canary Wharf. if you would like any further information, please let me know.

    Kind regards,

    1. London Preprep

      Dear Emily,
      thank you very much for your message! I have heard very good things about the New Model School. I am particularly interested to hear about your East London School, Faraday, as it seems there is a much lower supply of good private schools in that part of London. I will contact you via email regarding a school visit.
      Best regards!

  22. What a great site! Thanks for all your very clear and helpful information. I am trying to subscribe and receive your e-book but somehow nothing is coming through to my email. Would be grateful if you could email me a copy? Many thanks.

    1. London Preprep

      Hi Rishi!
      thank you for your comment! I am glad you are finding the site helpful! Please do spread the word! I have sent the guide to you via email, I am not sure why the subscription link didn’t work for you! I hope it does now! Best regards!

  23. what a fantastic website – thank you! Having delayed moving and finding where in London we will live, I find myself late in the game for registering my daughter 19 mths and son 3 mths. We are keen to get them into fantastic school(s) and have now decided to work backwards – find the school and move if necessary. I am looking in central London, the dulwich, Richmond and Hampstead areas. please would you email me a link to your e-book – it wasn’t in the subscription email.

    1. Hi Sarah, sorry about the delay with the school guide, it should be with you now! The areas you have chosen for schools sound perfect, I think you will be fine even at this stage! It is really only a few select schools in Kensington and Notting Hill that require you to register at birth, most of the other pre-prep schools are absolutely fine as long as you register them before their 3rd birthdays. Good luck and let me know if you have any more questions!

  24. Hi, I am planning to relocate back to London. I have twins who are 6 yrs old and a daughter who is 4.5 years old. I would like to know which are the top schools around North London that I can apply to….

    1. Hi Richa, there are so many great schools in North London! For boys, the top academic schools are The Hall, Arnold House and UCS (all profiled here), for girls North London Collegiate and also Serum Hall is supposed to be good. A very good and popular co-ed school is Devonshire House Prep, and depending on your location you could also look at St Johns Wood Pre-prep and Abercorn School. There’s also the American School in St Johns Wood if you happen to be American citizens. Lots of great schools in London! Let me know if you have any further questions.

  25. hi..first of all let me applaud you on the extensive research and the generosity in putting this together for other anxious parents! i live in pakistan and have applied for a masters degree at kingston university starting this sept 2012. i have a 9 yr old son and 6.5 yrs old twin daughters. my husband is working in dubai and will commute to london while i study. our plans are to be in london for a couple of years..3-4yrs tops. i have very bright kids doing exceptionally well at brit curriculum schools here in lahore. while i would prefer that they not go to very traditional, academically pressured english schools, [we plan to move to dubai to a brit curriculum] i still want them to continue their existing pace of work. however, i would want them to continue with the brit curriculum. i am very keen on hill house. just a bit apprehensive about not seeing design and technology integrated into the program..or at least nothing mentioned on the website..does it have provision for design and technology? my son is very interested and good at 3d modeling with lego etc. and generally interested in technology/science/building. i would be very keen to enroll him at a school that has these facilities. how good is the art dept. at hill house? do they offer ballet for girls? also given the small class size, and the boy/girl ratio do girls get the opportunity to make female friends easily? have you finally decided on a school?
    i would be really grateful if you could offer personal advice after having visited hill house..any other suggestions?
    rima s bokhari

    1. Hi Rima,

      thanks for your comment and your encouragement! I am glad you find the site useful! As much as I like Hill House School, I think if you are looking for modern technology and after-school activities, it may not be the right choice, as it is traditional and also one of the few prep schools that integrates arts and sports into the curriculum but doesn’t offer after-school activities on top. They are very strong in music and the arts though. Of the co-educiational schools profiled here, I think you might like Eaton Square School and Knightsbridge school, also they offer Ballet, ICT and all other kinds of clubs. They are also strong academically without being hothouses like many of the single sex schools. In terms of friendships, I don’t think it should be a problem, as most schools have a 50/50 split in their classes, esp in the first years.

      Since you will be in Kingston, however, I think you should really look into pre-prep and prep schools in Kingston and Richmond, there are many nice ones. Ibstock Place is a popular one, also Broomfield House, and the Harrodian School. Unicorn and Kew College are popular too. Really in Richmond/Kingston/Twickenham you have really excellent, friendly and modern pre-prep schools so if you are going to study there you may as well focus on those schools rather than central London ones? Wish you good luck!!

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