Below is a ranking of London schools based on their 2019 IB Diploma results. Please keep in mind that some of these schools are fiercely selective, while others are non-selective and admit a broad range of students with varying level of English and other skills, so higher ranking schools are not necessarily “better”, but you can get an idea of the overall academic profile of students at each school.
The maximum possible score is 45.0.
Top IB Schools London based on IB Diploma Scores
Rank | School | IB Score |
1 | King’s College School, Wimbledon | 41.0 |
2 | Godolphin & Latymer School, Hammersmith | 41.0 |
3 | North London Collegiate School , Edgware | 41.0 |
4 | Whitgift School, Croydon | 39.0 |
5 | Marymount International School, Surrey | 36.9 |
6 | Ashcroft Technology Academy (state school) | 36.7 |
7 | Southbank International School, Westminster | 36.2 |
8 | Tonbridge Grammar School, Kent (state school) | 36.0 |
9 | ACS Egham, Surrey | 35.0 |
10 | Bexley Grammar School, Bexley (state school) | 34.0 |
11 | Dwight School North London | 33.5 |
12 | ACS Hillingdon | 33.0 |
13 | TASIS Surrey | 33.0 |
14 | International School London, Gunnersbury | 33.0 |
15 | ICS London | 32.3 |
16 | ACS Cobham, Surrey | 32.0 |
17 | Halcyon School, Marble Arch | 31.4 |
18 | Westminster Academy | 31.0 |
19 | Deutsche Schule London, Richmond | 31.0 |
20 | George Green’s School, London (state school) | 30.0 |
If you are curious to find out how this compares to the top IB schools worldwide, head over to this worldwide ranking of top IB schools!