4 Wetherby Gardens, London SW5 0JN

Profile: Wetherby Kensington opened its doors in 2017 as a sister school to the hugely oversubscribed Wetherby School in Notting Hill. is very popular school for boys from the ages of 4 to 8.
Helen Milnes was appointed as the founding Head of Wetherby Kensington. Prior to this, Miss Milnes was Deputy Head (Pastoral) at Wetherby School for six years. Thanks in part to this appointment, Wetherby Kensington will follow the same curriculum, share the same values and ethos as Wetherby School. While the educational approach is very much the same, one benefit of this location is that as a school with two form entry per year group, the school can ensure a more personal touch than schools with a larger intake.
The core academic curriculum is traditional and structured, with increasing focus on 7+ and 8+ preparation from Year 1 onwards. They are also taught reasoning, Learning for Life (PSHEE), French, music, art, design and technology, computing and physical education. Specialist teachers are employed to teach French, music and physical education.
Wetherby Kensington is non-selective and all classes are of mixed ability. It welcomes boys who are of varying skill and ability. Some boys may require additional support if they are identified as having learning difficulties or differing learning needs in some areas of the curriculum. Identifying boys who require additional help as early as possible and ensuring they receive adequate support is a particular strength of the school.
Admissions: As a non-selective school, Wetherby does not admit via assessment, and prioritises applications from families who apply as early as possible after birth. Later applicants are places on the waiting list. Families with a confirmed place are invited for a personal visit with the Headmistress a year before entry to facilitate their decision.
7+/8+ Exit Results
Wetherby Kensington has just seen off its first cohort of 7+ and 8+ leavers, and so far results look fairly similar to Wetherby School in Notting Hill. About half of leavers move on to Wetherby Prep in Marylebone, with most others moving on to Sussex House, St Paul’s, Westminster Under, King’s College Wimbledon, Latymer Prep, WCCS and similar target schools at 7+ and 8+. A small number moved abroad or went on to other prep schools such as Chepstow House School. More details are provided here: Wetherby Kensington Destination Schools