
Co-educational Schools

3 thoughts on “Mixed”

  1. Hi there… I am finding your site amazingly useful and was wondering if you could help me with my dilemma!
    I currently have a daughter entering Year 1 at Eaton Square School, and a son entering Nursery (Reception next year). With a third boy not too far behind, we are considering making a move out of Chelsea a bit farther west…. Fulham, Chiswick, Barnes, Kew, and MAYBE as far as Richmond! We LOVE ESS and it breaks my heart to consider leaving!! But with three kids, we just simply need more space. My main priority in a school is for it to be co-ed like ESS. I obviously would like for it to be very academically competitive. Ideally I would like a school that goes until they are 18, as the idea of having them all switch again wouldn’t be great! But this isn’t a deal breaker. I heard good things about Harrodian but not sure what other comparable schools are. My issue is also will it actually be possible to apply now (Sept) for 2 children to enter the following year, one in Year 2 and the other in Reception? Is it too late to register a child for Reception at this stage? Or will I manage to get him to an assessment in the nick on time?
    Any thoughts and school suggestions would be great! I am keen to start visiting and placing applications!!

  2. Hi
    We are looking for a North-North East London pre-prep and distance-wise our only option is Highgate (the Hampstead side would be a very long drive), but Highgate is hard to get into. I wondered whether you have visited or know anything about Norfolk House in Muswell Hill? The school doesn’t offer open days because it is so small, so we will only get a chance to have a look around on the day of our interview. The results look good and the Independent Schools report seems good too. I cannot find anything about it however, just scant mentions on Mumsnet and suchlike. Any thoughts?
    Thank you so much and please keep up your excellent work!

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